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See our AI-Powered Urban Management systems in use.

AI-Powered Road Monitoring System

Eliminate the need for manual inspections by automatically prioritising severe road defects with regularly updated data.

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AI-Powered Contamination Detection

Reduce the amount of waste entering landfills and promote a circular economy by catching contamination at the source

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AI-Powered Street Waste Detection

Quickly identify hotspots where debris on or around the road is an issue. Eliminating the reliance on the public.

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AI-Powered Road Monitoring System

A major problem affecting road infrastructure is the late detection of road defects which poses a great risk to the safety of drivers and commuters. Councils struggle to keep up with these issues due to a lack of up-to-date data.

As waste trucks travel across the same areas on a regular basis, we take advantage of this by capturing the state of every road each time they are travelled on. Having consistent city wide data can help in prioritising only the most important road damages while keeping a watchful eye on other potentially problematic cases creeping up in size.

Infographic depicting a neighbourhood scene
Infographic depicting a neighbourhood scene

AI-Powered Road Contamination Detection

A common issue for waste management is dealing with contamination, or wrongly disposed of waste. This greatly affects the safety and operation of a Material Recovery Facility who now must manually sift through the waste to remove any problematic items.

Our automatic detection system can instantly find contaminants in both green and recycling waste directly from the source as bins are being picked up. To put this data to good use, we utilise intelligent visual and global positioning techniques to narrow down a bin’s culprit to a house or building with great accuracy. The insights gained from this system are far-reaching and essential for targeted education.

AI-Powered Street Waste Detection

Whether it’s to prevent accidents from obstructive hazards or to simply maintain the cleanliness of the streets, it’s worth noting what does and doesn’t belong on the surface of the road.

Having a detection system alongside the exceptional coverage provided by waste trucks, creates an extremely extensive view on the overall quality and health of a city and it’s streets. With this, a map can be made rich with information regarding the locations of debris and any waste with the potential for becoming a road hazard.

Infographic depicting a neighbourhood scene

How it works

Data Capture

Data Capture by Edge AI-device

Data Upload

Data upload to Cloud services

Automated Analysis

Automated Analysis

Issue Mapping

Issue Mapping

Online Verification

Online Verification

Cost Savings

Cost Savings